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Showing posts from May, 2008

Long Weekend

Brynn seems to be doing better while Mama got worse. :-( Grandpa and Grandma Froemming took Brynn for her first overnight trip away from Mama and Papa on Friday night. I could only let her go for one night, though. And we did survive! It was good to get some things done around the house. Then on Sunday the other set of grandparents came to take care of Mama and help with Brynn. Good help sure is easy to find! Scouting the ads for deals with Daddy....and Fatty, too. I wonder which one fell asleep first. :-) All cozied in for a nap with 'Lil Elephant.

Immune System of Steel Has Broken Down

Well, Brynn had a good run of over 4 months with no illnesses. That is until she came down with pink eye (again), bronchiolitis and ear infection. Poor baby! She was pretty miserable yesterday. I took her into the walk-in clinic and we spent the day at home. She seems to be doing pretty good today, so she is back at daycare. Oh, and she is up to 11 lbs now! Big girl!

Happy Monday

This is her "I am pooping" face. :-) "My chubby cheeks are heavy; I must rest them for a bit."

Pink Eye Strikes

This past Friday we took Brynn into the doctor because she had pink eye. Then her daycare lady and another daycare boy got it over the weekend, too. Not sure who gave it to whom, but she seems to be better now. We had her 4-month check-up today. She is now 10 lbs. 12 oz. and 22 inches long. She is still trying to roll over, as you will see below. Uncle Jason Trying to roll over. Mad because she can't do it. Grandma Holly Grandpa and Grandma Froemming

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I'm glad to report that Brynn is still quite a happy baby. She is pretty smiley and talkative. We thought she was going to roll over yesterday, but her arm gets in her way. She can hold her head up pretty well on her own, but she's still a little wobbly. She is far from sitting up on her own, although she tries. :-) She is still so sleepy! Everyday we have to wake her up to go to daycare, so we're trying to move her bedtime up more and more. On Friday night she slept 11 1/2 hours. About once a week or so she'll still wake once in the middle of the night; either for her pacifier or for a midnight snack. She is such a good baby and so easy to take care of. She's spoiling us for sure. Grandpa & Grandma Dietz and Cousin Reagan Tonight it was finally nice enough to take Brynn out in her stroller. Here's the three of us out in front of our house. Of course this was big excitement for much so that she fell asleep.