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Showing posts from June, 2008

Brynn's First Taste of Solids

Brynn is now on rice cereal in addition to breast milk. What a big girl! She did pretty well for the first try. At least she didn't even refuse it; she actually seemed to like it. She looked so little in her big girl high chair. I guess she pretty much looks little wherever she is! :-) "Mom, I can just do it myself!" Cereal beard. Had to take a picture of this outfit. I thought it was so cute.

Fun Times

"Ah! A tag!" (She loves any and all tags.) "I must try to eat it. Come to me, tag!" "So close! I can almost taste it." Another one of Brynn's loves: her tootsies. She likes to stare at the soap bottle for a little while before she take a bath.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Well, she finally did it. After such a long time of trying, Brynn rolled over all by herself on Friday. Yay, Brynn! How do these two always end up falling asleep together? Four Generations Grandpa Kim & his girls Brynn with Grandma Laurie Cousin Reagan. We love those big brown eyes!

A New Record

Brynn is 5 months old today! It's so hard to believe. Of course, like everyone always says, it goes so quickly. We took her to the walk-in clinic tonight because we thought she might have another ear infection. Luckily everything checked out fine, though. She is up to 12.2 lbs now. So, it was nice to see another weight gain, of course. She as tripled her birth weight now. The new record she set this weekend was sleeping through the night for 11 hours and 45 minutes. It was crazy. And yes, I did go and make sure she was still breathing. I had my head about half an inch away from her face. :-)

It's a Picture Plethora!

Little Gilligan! Sleeping Beauties