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Showing posts from September, 2008


I think I'll be putting down my camera for a few days. After taking over 250 pictures outside, my camera was tired. Maybe a better title for this post would have been Photoshopaholic: there are only two pictures below that I didn't edit. ;-)

Go Vikes!

Here's one for you Viking fans. Maybe if we would have put the outfit on earlier they would have won today. ;-) Outfit courtesy of Uncle Jason.

Mama & The Couch Monkey

8 Months Old

Just last week when I would set Brynn up on all fours she could hardly stay up for any amount of time. Now this week she can stay up for a longer period of time, and also while rocking back and forth. She is also starting to try to pull herself up on things. Still no toothies yet, but we think she's working on some. Brynn lovin ' her quilt made by Grandma Laurie. Hanging out with Grandma Laurie. Mmmm ! Cheerios!