For the holiday weekend we went to visit our friends in St. Cloud. I know almost everyone who reads this blog won't know who this boy is, but these pics are so cute, I just had to post them. He is Zander, our Godson. He is two years old. On the bottom is Brynn and her first time in a sandbox. She had a blast and actually didn't eat all that much sand.
When Brynn wants to go outside, she'll start gathering up all her outdoor gear and start handing it to us so we can put it on her. Here we are getting ready to go outside, but we are letting her "air out" because of a bad diaper rash, so I hadn't gotten her diaper on before she wanted me to start putting her outside items on. I got a few things on, and then she'd play for a little bit, then find some more things for me to dress her with. And she loves to wear her sunglasses, which seems kind of funny for her age. We got the kitchen set just this morning when we went garage sale-ing. wait, it's just Brynn feeding herself yogurt. We started out badly with a spoon, but ended well with the fork. We're learning. Feeding her baby doll cookies. This one is titled, "Hey, her face was clean, so I took the shot." :-) This one is similarily titled, "Hey, her face was clean, so I took the shot - and then changed it to B&W."
Yesterday we were playing outside and Brynn found a bunch of rocks to play with. She kept calling them balls. Ha! Here she is winding down for bedtime. Showing us her belly. Story time.
On Saturday Brynn got her first haircut. She got a bang trim at Whipper Snippers. She didn't quite know what to think. It turned out good, though. At least her hair isn't always in her eyes now. With walking and first haircut and all, this was quite a big weekend for Brynn - also because we can feel a tooth!!! On the bottom you can feel one, but you can't really see it yet. Yay!! She played outside most of the day yesterday, especially out in the front yard with her wagon. She would open and shut the door and climb in and out, and put all of her stuff inside, then take it all back out again. She was pretty busy. Her mangled fingers from a run in with the cement outside our house. :-(
Yesterday, May Day, Brynn walked for the first time by herself! (We are working to catch it on video now.) She was really going last night; she walked about three separate times. Of course she hasn't again today at all. :-) We were busy this morning in the park on the swings and playing with another 15-mo. old boy. First time with a pony tail.