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Showing posts from November, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Brynn's second Thanksgiving was a great one. Here are some highlights. We put up our Christmas tree this weekend, too. Checking out the deals with Grandpa Kevin. Eating some munchies while wearing her turkey hat, sitting next to the turkey she and Grandma Holly made together. Brynn appears afraid of the turkey who outweighs her by a pound.


Playing house

Brynn in her house. She got this as a gift for her first birthday and we finally put it up for her now. She had a lot of fun in there today. At one point the whole fam was in there. Tight squeeze! This is what she does when she says "cheese" for the camera. I think she is doing air photography and taking a picture of me. :-)

Our little fish

This week Brynn started parent/child swimming lessons at the YMCA. She is one of the older children, as the class ranges from 14 months to 2 1/2 years. This is her in the locker room before the lesson started. I don't know if I'll get any shots of her in the water, since I'll be in there with her the whole time. She seemed to like the first day, so it will be fun to see what other activities we do. I guess next time we submerge! She was running around the locker room like a crazy child, shutting everyone else's locker doors for them. The class is only for 25 minutes; we spend more time getting dressed and undressed than we do for the lesson!
