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Showing posts from June, 2010

Thumper Pond

This weekend we were at Thumper Pond in Ottertail, MN for Dana's sister, Christel's wedding. Congratulations to John and Christel! Dana, Brynn and I went a day early for some family vacation time. Not impressed with a merry-go-round. Tear.

A Day With Daddy

Daddy took the day off work today to go with Brynn and the other kids from daycare to the Midwest Kids Fest which included a Teddy Bear Parade. Daddy made waffles for breakfast and everything. It sounded like they had a great day together. They were pretty chummy all evening and even ate supper with Brynn on Daddy's lap. It being Father's Day weekend and all, I'll take this opportunity for a little shout out about Dana. Brynn couldn't ask for a better dad - he gets her up every morning, makes her breakfast and gets her ready for daycare. He also picks her up from daycare early every Friday and they get to spend some time together just the two of them. He has always been there alongside me taking good care of her...changing reaaaly nasty diapers, clippping her fingernails, getting up with her in the middle of the night when she was a baby (probably more times than I did), putting her hair up in a pony tail... I can hardly think of many things better than watching your l...

It Ain't Easy Bein' Cheesy

These pictures will probably make you never want to eat SunChips again...well, Harvest Cheddar flavor SunChips anyway. This post is dedicated to my mother (Grandma Worlie, as Brynn calls her) because I can almost see my mom's eyes widen in horror when she notices those blaze orange fingers paired with an all-white shirt. I was pretty much banned from buying or wearing white shirts growing up. :-) Love you, Mom! Anyway, Brynn just delighted in her chip treat tonight. She ate all her broccoli and fishsticks to get to the cheesy chip ending. And she loved every minute of it! Starting out pretty clean, but you can still notice the orange fingers in the background. She was in the middle of "Wheels on the Bus."

Just like Mama...and Kris Kross

Remember Kris Kross? Anyone?

Handy Brynnie

Sad will be the day when I can no longer post cute butt pics of her. :-) Anyway, I was organizing some clothes in her room tonight and she wanted to switch up her wardrobe from her normal pj's...apparently. She asked me for her hat and boots and then had panties on, but I don't know what happened to those. Pretty soon she's on the stairs "pixing" (fixing) as you see below. Ha. Watching the rain. In other news, she is ever expanding her vocabulary and understanding of things. She wakes up talking and falls asleep talking...and talks all the while in between! We love it. She is always watching and listening and repeats everything. Here are some funny gems of late... "No, wind! Wind, don't blow Brynn!" "Fatty try to eat me!" To our friends who were baby-sitting her one night..."I got a stinky butt." She can count to 10 and is working on going to 20 with help. She knows her colors and ABCs, which sometimes melds into "Twinkle, Tw...

Memorial Day