This weekend we got together with some friends, one of whom is expecting a baby next month. This was the first time, since Brynn has turned two and started catching on to more things, she has seen a pregnant woman. It was so cute to watch her reaction when Brenda explained to her that she had a baby in her tummy. Brynn got so excited and said, 'there's a baby in there ?!' Now, of course, Brynn has a baby in her tummy, too. :-) Ahhh, the facts of life. Another one of my favs that is too cute not to share....when we were at Thumper Pond a few weekends back, I asked Dana what he was doing and he said he was checking his e-mail (he was holding his cell phone). Brynn noticed what Daddy was doing and declared that she also had to check her e-mail. So, she proceeded to pick up one of 'her' phones (old cell phone) and say, "hello, e-mail? Want to come play toys with me?" Ha. We laughed pretty hard at that one. Today one of the other little girls at daycare had a b...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.