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Showing posts from August, 2012

Summer Pics

Payment for taking nice pictures. :-)

Good-bye, hair!

Well, it had become apparent that both Brynn and I had gotten fed up with her hair and all the tangles. It was a battle every day to brush it. And since it was so long, I always wanted her to put it up, especially when it was so hot, but then that meant brushing it again and more tears. I told her a few times that I thought we should get it cut to alleviate our tangle issues. I think she was so tired of dealing with it, too, that it didn't take long for her to agree. I love how long hair looks on little girls, and hers was so nice and thick, but I didn't think it really looked very nice most of the time anyway because of how snarly it was.  So, today was the day! We made an appointment for this afternoon at Whipper Snippers and she asked me all day if it was time for her to get her hair cut yet.  She told the stylist and me she wanted it "just like Mommy's." ;-) You might notice a purple streak in it. She saw a display of hair extensions on the wall and w...

Summer Update

It's hard to believe this time next year it will be Brynn getting ready to start Kindergarten. This year, however, we're thinking of cousin Reagan and her big day tomorrow as she has her first day of school!  Preschool has been going well for Brynn. They are doing lots of fun activities and projects. Thursday is the start of school here in Fargo, so today they took a field trip to Lindenwood Park for a special send-off to the children going off to Kindergarten. Here is a picture of Brynn and some of her friends from her class. The girl on the far left is Rasha. She lives in our neighborhood and sometimes meets up with Brynn at the park. Lily is on the far right and is someone whom Brynn plays with quite a bit. Last Thursday Brynn was busy helping Daddy with his snowmobile trailer out in the garage. When I went out there to take some pics, she was so excited and couldn't stop smiling and laughing. It was so cute. She just loves to help us with anything aroun...

Celebrating Summer

It has been a few years now since we've last had a summer get-together at our house. So, we figured it was about time again. We invited some family and friends over for snacks, food, and fun in the water. We were questioning the weather when it was 63* and cloudy all morning, but it actually turned around for us in the afternoon and was quite nice. The invitations. We had some snacks, including popsicles. Reagan takes flight onto the slip-n-slide. Water balloons! Mike-N-Ikes on the cupcakes to resemble popsicles. Thanks, Auntie Shelly, for the great idea!  More food! Dana made potato salad and it was a hit. My partner-in-crime/co-host and me. The line for the water balloons got pretty long. :-)