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Showing posts from November, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

I'll back up about a week and squeeze in a few updates from just prior to Thanksgiving. Brynn had these TAG reader books when she was about Clara's age. They come with an interactive stylus-type wand that reads the words on the pages and plays games. Clara had the books in her room, but we hadn't hunted down the wand that goes with it. Every time she thought to ask me about it, it was time to be going to bed. So, finally last weekend I asked her if she wanted to look for it. I had a hunch as to where it was, so we found it in the downstairs book tote right away. She was so excited and 'read' her books with it all weekend. She did lament to be before bed one night that she was a bit sad that I was the one who had found it and that we found it too quickly. Hehe. I guess the anticipation of the hunt for it was more alluring to her. The next morning she wanted to know what else we could search for that had gone missing. :-) Brynn invited her friend to the...

Family Fun Night

Well, I'm a little behind in updating the blog, though we haven't been up to too much lately... Clara is usually down for doing my mile walk with me, but then gets tired out right away and has to take a bit of a rest. Ha. Brynn loves re-purposing things to make organizers or art or what have you. Clara had requested an organizer for her hair accessories and make-up, so Brynn fashioned one up for her. Last weekend the girls and I stayed at my parents on Friday night and then headed to Hurdsfield for the Family Fun Night at the community center. This year Tessa's mother-in-law asked Brynn to help with one of the kids' activities so she was pretty excited about that. Clara was eating most of the time. :-) Elise was running the caramel apple table. There were so many yummy toppings. She did a great job! Clara eating again. :-) Brynn, Reagan and Reagan's friend Madison were trying to maintain order over at the bouncy castle. ...