Friday night was Brynn's school homecoming football game and the dance following on Saturday night. She and Brooklyn had planned to go together. They got ready at our house and then planned to go out to Doolittles for dinner before heading to the dance, which didn't start until 8:30. Since my parents and Tessa were coming to pick me up for Jerry Seinfeld at my house, they were able to see Brynn in her dress before we all left for the evening. We cajoled Brooklyn into getting in the pic as well. They both looked so beautiful! They agreed to some pics in the orchard. After Dana picked them up from dinner, they stopped at Brooklyn's house so her mom could see them before the dance. In the action! Brynn spent the night at Brooklyn's last night and I couldn't wait to hear all about it when she got home this afternoon. She said they had a good time, danced lots and were glad they went!
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.