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Showing posts from September, 2022

Homecoming 2022

Friday night was Brynn's school homecoming football game and the dance following on Saturday night. She and Brooklyn had planned to go together. They got ready at our house and then planned to go out to Doolittles for dinner before heading to the dance, which didn't start until 8:30. Since my parents and Tessa were coming to pick me up for Jerry Seinfeld at my house, they were able to see Brynn in her dress before we all left for the evening. We cajoled Brooklyn into getting in the pic as well. They both looked so beautiful! They agreed to some pics in the orchard.  After Dana picked them up from dinner, they stopped at Brooklyn's house so her mom could see them before the dance.  In the action!  Brynn spent the night at Brooklyn's last night and I couldn't wait to hear all about it when she got home this afternoon. She said they had a good time, danced lots and were glad they went!


Our neighbor Barb stopped over with some 'prizes,' as she calls them (aka cards with money) as a treat for the girls. Brynn made some cookies and Clara kindly took them over to reciprocate. The note she is holding is what we wrote out for her to say when she got to her house...about how we're thankful for such a good neighbor, I think it was. Ha - it was so cute. Brynn and her friend, Brooklyn. They had an impromptu WEEKNIGHT sleepover one night a couple of weeks ago. She is so sweet and fun; we love having her over. Thankfully she lives nearby so she and Brynn can just bike back and forth between our houses. And to avoid riding the bus in the mornings, Brynn bikes to her house and they walk to school together from there. Brynn was teaching her how to play Nertz. A couple of weekends ago, Dana's parents came up to stay. Clara and Grandma made yummy caramel rolls for us. Dana has been working a lot on the old '51, getting ready to pick up the body from his dad. He an...

End of Summer + Birthday Celebration + Labor Day Weekend

 Making some creative pancakes last Sunday. And creative steaks. Haha. We picked up this brand at Wall Drug in SD. I paid Brynn to detail my car and she spent the better part of last Sunday giving me my money's worth. She did an excellent job! Four wheeler rides... And Clara learned how to ride the dirt bike. On Saturday we celebrated my mom's birthday the lake. Preparing for Kan Jam! Happy birthday, Mom! It seemed like the cousins had all been missing each other. 💜 Of course Nertz...and some Fireball. We went on to Dead Lake on Sunday for a relaxing and fun day hanging out, doing nails and four-wheeling. Dana pulled our jet skis in for the year. I feel fall coming...I'm ready! Clara stayed at the lake for an overnight and will come back today. Happy Labor Day!