We were fooled into thinking spring was here for a few weeks, and then we were back to the reality of an impending March snowstorm...which didn't really materialize. We do have some snow the ground again now though. We did try to take advantage of the weather one evening when it was still nice and got out in the side-by-side. The girls had a whole week off again for spring break last week. Clara was able to stay at Grandpa and Grandma Froemming's and it looked like she stayed pretty busy! I had to head to Anaheim again for our big trade show there. The weather was nice, the show went well and I was able to enjoy some hot tub time and reading. The trade show offered yoga in the mornings so I took that in and it was really good. I had Cheesecake Factory three times. Haha. It's so good and was within walking distance to my hotel. Brynn stayed in Fargo during spring break and did some work for Jenine and hung out with friends and Hubert. She and Dad ate out a couple of nights....
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.