Tonight was Kindergarten Round-up at Centennial Elementary School where Brynn will be attending Kindergarten this fall. They started off with an informational presentation for the parents. Brynn met the principal who was very nice. She was hoping that her friend from preschool and our neighbor would be there tonight, as she knew Rosha would be attending Centennial this fall, too. She did attend tonight as well and they both checked out the classrooms together. They were so excited. There are five Kindergarten classes, so we are unsure if they will end up in the same class come fall. I know they are hoping so. That would be so fun for them. Since there are five classes, they did have all five classrooms open to explore. The girls got so caught up in checking out each room, they only made it to three or four of the five. The school and classrooms reminded me of the school I went to as a kid, which was nice and comforting. There were a lot of things in the classrooms that the girls...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.