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Sickness, St. Patrick's Day, Musical Ball, Nowruz

This past week started out rough, but ended well. I had the flu on Monday and Dana stayed home with Clara and me because Clara was still not feeling very well. At the same time Dana was battling a nasty cold. I didn't like the sound of Clara's breathing and on Tuesday I picked her up early from daycare because she had a 102* temp. I took her straight to the clinic where she was diagnosed with double ear infection and bronchiolitis. Poor thing. Grandma Holly came up in the middle of the week to stay home with Clara which we were so thankful for! 

Brynn made me this sweet get-well note.

Then later in the week arrived our 'Box of Sunshine' from Hurdsfield! What a day brightener that was. Leave it to my sister to do something like that! It was wonderful. It was a box full of 'bright' goodies that were all yellow/golden like sunshine, made with the intent to wish us well and brighten up our household from feeling under the weather. It sure worked! Thanks again, Weckerlys! 

We were still in the throes of our week of sickness when St. Patrick's Day rolled around. So, we didn't do too much to celebrate. Even so, last year Brynn wasn't too happy with the leprechaun's shenanigans at our house, so he seemed to have known better than to show up again this year. :-) However, Brynn did make a leprechaun trap at school. Her biggest question that morning wasn't if they were going to catch any leprechauns, but rather when the did, would Mrs. Stewart say they were going to keep him/them or release him/them?

On Friday night Brynn went to stay for an overnight visit at Grandpa and Grandma Dietz's lake place. Sounds like she had a great time.

Playing at McDonald's before coming back home.

Grandpa and Grandma brought Brynn back in time for her Musical Ball event Penny had planned for the students. There were 15 kids who had signed up for this one, but as you can see in the below photo, only four ended up being able to come. But it was nice to have a little bit smaller group. Penny asked me to stay and help, as they were going to be making a craft about J.S. Bach.

First they each played either a song that was one of their favorites, a song they composed themselves or their own rendition of an existing song. The two younger boys are right around Brynn's age - I think one is in Kindergarten and the other in First, and the older boy is in Fourth.

Brynn playing "The Indian Song." She did great!

Listening to Bach's music while working on their scrapbooks about the famous composer.

 Brynn must have been inspired at the Musical Ball because she came home and was doing a little composing of her own.

Fun in the mirror...

I had sent a bunch of extra toys we had to my parents' lake place, but this wagon ended up making its way back when Brynn was there on Saturday. Good thing, I guess, because the girls had fun when Brynn was pulling Clara around in it today. It was so cute.

Brynn had been wanting to go to Wal-mart and spend some money she had saved up. She bought this Baby Alive doll. This is the one famous for eating and tinkling like a real baby. I thought we already had a Baby Alive doll at our house...and her name was Clara, but I guess Brynn wanted one of her own. She played with her a lot today. She named her Sally.

Rosha's family invited us to the Nowruz celebration that they were helping to put on through the Persian Association at NDSU. Fataneh, Rosha's mom, is in the pharmaceutical graduate program at NDSU. Nowruz is the Iranian new year, typically celebrated on our first day of Spring. It was held at the Radisson tonight downtown. There were many other Americans invited as well, so they explained a lot about the holiday and almost exclusively spoke in English so we all would know what was going on too. Fataneh had worked with the staff at the Radisson to make traditional Persian fare for the dinner they were serving, but I think it proved pretty difficult for the chef there. I thought the food was really good, though, but probably because it was still quite Americanized. Some of the members of the association made Baklava for everyone to take home, though.

Brynn and Rosha

The lady on the left is Fataneh's mom and to the right is her English teacher.

They had a few performances of poem reading, musical instrument playing and dances. After dinner they had hired a DJ and had a dance. We stayed for part of the dance, but did leave at around 9:00 so the girls could get home and get to bed.

This lady is a PhD student in mechanical engineering at NDSU, so Dana was chatting with her for a bit after she had gotten a hold of Clara for some snuggles. :-)

It was very interesting learning about the Nowruz holiday and so much fun watching the performances and staying for part of the dance.

This isn't the greatest picture, but here we are next to the Haft Sin table. It mean's "Seven S's." Everything on the table represents something that starts with an S (but not in English). They had hired a professional photographer to take people's photos next to the table. And we did get ours taken with Rosha and her family, but not sure if I will get a hold of a copy. If I do, I'll post that one.


carrington said…
Fun times! Well except for the sickness part of the week. Glad everyone is feeling better and had a nice weekend. Great photos!
Anonymous said…
Quite a week!

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