Wow, I got pretty behind on blogging, so here is my attempt to catch up from the past couple of weeks. Two weekends ago we had Reagan visit for a weekend. The girls stayed pretty busy playing together. It was rainy and kind of chilly off and on, so they were mostly relegated to the house. Grandpa and Grandma brought Treatzza Pizza when they dropped Reagan off on Friday night. And anyone remember that electronic Simon game? I used to play that with my friends! We made pancakes for breakfast on Saturday morning. Grandpa and Grandma dropped off one child in exchange for another and took Clara for an overnight at the lake. They came back Saturday night to have supper with us and play some games. The girls also frosted some cupcakes that I had made. Yum! Brynn has been doing pretty well with her chore chart and earning her money. She struggles most with making her bed each morning. And also struggles with the recycling apparently. :-) Silly Sunda...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.