I thought I would end up with the one big September post to sum up the month with my last blog update. However, I'm sneaking in this last one on the last day of September - an unexpected post for an unexpected situation this past week. This time on Sunday a week ago, I was going to be getting ready to go to bed in a couple of hours, having had some back pain that day. But then I woke up around 1:00-2:00 AM having bad chest pain on top of the back pain, all night long. I just couldn't get comfortable and it hurt really badly. So, around 5:00 I finally woke Dana with my writhing in pain and trying to 'breathe' through being so uncomfortable. He took me into the ER around 6:30. Thankfully they administered some pain meds via IV almost right away and what a God send that was! They did some lab work and an ultra sound to try and check my gallbladder, liver, etc. They narrowed down the issue to my gallbladder as they could see a couple of stones. I had no idea ...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.