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Showing posts from October, 2019

Guests & Halloween Preparations

The weekend after we got back from Disney our good friends from St. Cloud came up for a visit.  There were many four-wheeler rides, lots of food and great fun. The older girls put on a show for us. Auntie Shelly and Uncle Lester were up around our neck of the woods and were able to stay with us a couple of nights as well. Shelly made her famous chimichangas (and homemade chicken noodle soup!) by request of the girls and they did not disappoint! Then they challenged Shelly to a game of Beanboozled, but Shelly remained unfazed and thought they all tasted good. Hehe. Maybe she didn't really get any bad tasting ones after all. Game of garbage with daddy... Brynn working on homework. It was Lego Mania this past weekend. Brynn made a house for her and me to live in. I guess Clara and daddy lived in their own house. We finally got around to carving pumpkins on Saturday afternoon. After carving Dana and I go...

Disney Word/Universal Studios Trip

Having missed the Great October Snowstorm of 2019, we have returned home from our Florida vacation, as if the storm never happened. The only inkling of any wintry turmoil was the sad state of one of our bushes in the backyard. I think the heavy snow was too much for it and it split some of the branches. I had heard from a couple of my co-workers that they had the same thing happen to them with trees. Before we left Brynn was working furiously on school work to get ready to leave for our trip. I hesitate to even share this on here because I feel like a bad parent for having her stay up this late, but she was up with Dana until midnight the Monday night before we left finishing school work. Brynn had been working to stay ahead the weekend before we left, but I don't think I did enough to help her realize how much she needed to get done on the weekend. Hence things kind of came to a overloaded head come Monday. We went to her parent-teacher conferences on Tuesday which was great tim...