Our Christmas vacation bucket list didn't exactly turn out as we had all planned, but we still had a good time.
Brynn was practicing up on 'Silent Night' so she and uncle John could play together, but I think they never did end up playing it for us. And actually, side note, over break we decided that Brynn will no longer continue guitar lessons. Her heart just didn't seem to be into it and she has been busy enough with school, confirmation and gymnastics.
The girls had a lot of fun playing with their new gifts.
We had planned on taking cookies to the children's hospital, but you aren't able to go room to room because of privacy reasons. However you can leave store-bought cookies in the family room. Brynn wasn't as excited about that idea, so we scrapped the whole plan.
Skate City ended up not panning out either, for no particular reason and neither did the planetarium at MSUM as they only have shows during certain dates (none of which were during Christmas break).
We weren't able to make it to kids' trivia night at Jimmy's Pizza because of the bad roads.
So, to make up for all the stuff we didn't get to do, we went to SkyZone and then out to Carinos afterward. It was nice and quiet at SkyZone and they had just added a couple new jump features. The girls always have a good time there.
We shared this giant Oreo cheesecake. It was so good!
Well, onto the other things we did manage to still do from our list:
New Year's Eve we had planned for a morning movie/snuggle fest. I had never seen 'Elf' before and I don't think anyone else in the fam had seen it in its entirety either, so that's the one we went with. It was pretty great!
I had high hopes for mine this year.
#1 was the winner with 5 votes!
1- Brynn 2 - Mom 3 - Clara/Dad
So, now we're busy eating the fruits of our labor. :-)
The girls went back to school today. Well, Clara went for part of the day.. Dana and I had both taken this whole week off. He was busy finishing the window trim downstairs and I got a bunch of errands done today. Tomorrow I'm planning on baking cakes in anticipation for Brynn's upcoming birthday.
I am so glad to be able to take off the entire Christmas holiday break these past few years. We had a great holiday season and are ready to take on the new year!
Here is a Christmas/New Year's recap video. I didn't take as much video this year of gift opening and things like that.