We ARE still alive over here and have not frozen to death. Here's what we've been up to for the past month and a half! Brynn and Hubert at the OG (Olive Garden): 'Lady and the Tramp' style. haha. Taking in a Force game...with extra fighting. It was very exciting. One Sunday when Clara was at a sleepover, the three of us went to Black Coffee Waffle Bar after church and then for some crepes and boba at Tea & Crepe. Then Brynn and I went prom dress shopping which was really fun. She did find a dress she loves so that was a relief. This is not the one she chose, but she tried on quite a few nice ones. Clara made crowns for the king and I (me). Clara had to write an essay to be considered for the robotics team at school. She waited for at least a couple of weeks to learn if she was accepted, and unfortunately was not. She was pretty disappointed, but she does have a chance to reapply next year when she's a fifth grader, and won't have to write another essay. I th...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.