We ARE still alive over here and have not frozen to death. Here's what we've been up to for the past month and a half!
Brynn and Hubert at the OG (Olive Garden): 'Lady and the Tramp' style. haha.
Taking in a Force game...with extra fighting. It was very exciting.
Then Brynn and I went prom dress shopping which was really fun. She did find a dress she loves so that was a relief. This is not the one she chose, but she tried on quite a few nice ones.
Clara made crowns for the king and I (me).
I think we both checked off most of the ideas Clara came up with to do with each of us.
I guess she and I didn't watch a movie, but she and Dana went to the Dog Man movie. Clara really loves the book series and thought the movie was great. Dana didn't rate it quite as highly as Clara did.
I guess it was a couple of weeks ago now we did have a break in the sub-zero temps, so Clara went outside for a bit.
We did get a bit more now during that time too.
Working on an invention project at school.
That Saturday night Brynn and Reagan went to Detroit Mountain and then stayed out at the lake together.
Done with pics!
Brynn made some edible cookie dough for a school project and left some just for me in the fridge. Thanks, Brynn!
Clara was snuggling with her Squishmallow kitty in an attempt to feel better.

We had no sooner walked in the door from Walmart and Hubert showed up to surprise Brynn with his valentines for her.

Reading her valentines card from daddy.

Even Brynn got to make a valentine box for a party they had in one of her classes. It turned out really cool.
Benjamin came for a visit last weekend. We had a fun time watching 'Rocky' movies and he and Dana played games and spent time out in the garage.
Brynn bought herself some blue light glasses and was showing me one of the pairs.
It was all hands on deck to help Clara with her valentines on the 13th.

Reading her valentines card from daddy.

Even Brynn got to make a valentine box for a party they had in one of her classes. It turned out really cool.
Brynn and Hubert's kitty, Nix. I love how his arm is under Brynn's head. His fur coat looks so silky!
This is the piano teacher's other cat...the friendlier of the two.
Brynn bought herself some blue light glasses and was showing me one of the pairs.
They've been celebrating half birthdays in Clara's class. She was able to choose two friends to have lunch with.