Brynn and Daddy working on some building projects with the set we got Brynn for her birthday. We are still loving these warmer temps we've been having lately! We got tickets to the Fargo Force hockey game for Saturday night. It happened to be Hometown Heroes night where they were honoring any service and armed forces personnel. It was great. It was Clara's first hockey game. Everyone started out on the edge of our seats. On our way into the Scheels Arena, Brynn was all excited because she wanted to meet a police officer. I told her there would be many of them inside as it was the Hometown Heroes game/night, so she would probably have a good opportunity. She and I went to get her some Dippin' Dots after the first quarter when she spotted a few officers. So, she walked up to this one (Officer Eric Sorenson of the West Fargo Police Department) and introduced herself. He was standing on kind of an elevated platform, so he said he would c...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.