Clara loves to read books...
Many a Battleship game were played this past week.
Brynn's class celebrated the 100th day of school.
We were excited and glad to celebrate cousin Elise's 8th birthday with her on Saturday.
She had an awesome theme of Alice in Wonderland.
It was my turn to teach Brynn's Sunday School class today. Pretty much every time I teach I want to take pics of all the fun things we're doing. It was only one other girl and Brynn in our class today so it was a bit more low key and I had the opportunity to grab my phone quick. Our lesson was Jesus doing the impossible and bringing his friend Lazarus back from the dead. It mentioned in the story how Lazarus had been wrapped in cloth after his death. So, each group chose a 'Lazarus' and wrapped that person up in TP. Brynn was obviously our Lazarus. You had to use the whole roll and our group won! They always have such great ideas and ways to keep the kids engaged; I love it.