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Showing posts from November, 2017


We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house again this year, but were sad to be missing my parents. We had many an illness running through the group with my lingering respiratory infection, some colds and Brynn's ear infection which she was diagnosed with on Tuesday night. However, unfortunately, my mom was perhaps in the worst shape of all of us with walking pneumonia.  We also missed Rosha and her family now that they are in Seattle.  It was still a good celebration, though, and another reminder of all we have to be thankful for. On Sunday we made turkey cut-out cookies with some cutters that Grandma Laurie loaned us. We were excited that auntie Christel and uncle John were able to join us this year. On Wednesday night we celebrated auntie's birthday which was actually yesterday. Happy birthday, auntie! The girls were anxiously awaiting the cousins' arrival on Thursday. Elise and Clara playing Manchala. It actually turned out to b...

Catching Up

Lots has been happening around here! I'm finally getting around to some updates from the past couple of weeks. I had realized shortly before Halloween as I looked at my calendar that I had scheduled the girls' dentist appointments for the day after Halloween! Jeesh. My sister even commented that maybe the dentist was doing a candy swap or buy-back or something. I didn't think too much of that, but lo and behold, they were doing a candy buy-back to send candy to the troops. I was so bummed that I hadn't realized. They still had the opportunity to write letters to the troops, so they did that.  And, yay, no cavities! So, we went to Cherry Berry to celebrate. And so Brynn could discover how entertaining Judge Judy is. Ha. It was only a matter of time. Brynn trimmed her own hair when she was younger and I knew that Clara would somehow follow down that same path. Could have been so much worse! Brynn's Skittles project: Mr. Reznecheck ...