After Brynn's birthday, we have continued with the birthday celebrations. Brynn and Clara each attended a friends party last weekend. I accompanied Clara to hers, which was her friend from daycare, so I was able to get some pic of her. the gang Glitter tattoos! Clara got a hold of my phone and took a selfie. Trying to get my phone back. Ha. There was a really pretty sunset as I was leaving work one night last week. Cardboard Clara! Clara and her fav book, Ms. Spider's Tea Party. We ALL know the entire book by heart by now. It's a great one, though. Brynn is always thinking. This was her latest invention. :-) The girls started roller skating lessons on Saturday mornings and had their second one this past Saturday. It took Clara a bit to get into the mix of things, but this second Saturday, they did have the youngest ones broken off into a group on their own and that really seemed to help. Brynn is frustrated at the pa...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.