I hope you are staying warm this week! We are sure trying our darnedest. I thought the sun looked so neat setting outside my office window one day last week. By the time I walked out of my office to another window to show my co-worker, it was already gone. Last Saturday Clara attended one of her friend's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. She had a blast, of course. Sadly, Dana's grandma Delrose passed away last Thursday. She and Brynn shared the same birthday which was special to Brynn. They were born 75 years apart! Sunday was the visitation and Monday was her funeral. I had to snap some pics of the photos the family had put together. I always thought she had such a good sense of humor. Love this family picture of Grandma and Grandma and their children. Dana's dad is to the right of Grandma on the couch. We stayed at Dana's parents Sunday night and Christel was surprised with their great-grandpa's burial flag as he ...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.