I hope you are staying warm this week! We are sure trying our darnedest.
I thought the sun looked so neat setting outside my office window one day last week. By the time I walked out of my office to another window to show my co-worker, it was already gone.
Last Saturday Clara attended one of her friend's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. She had a blast, of course.
Sadly, Dana's grandma Delrose passed away last Thursday. She and Brynn shared the same birthday which was special to Brynn. They were born 75 years apart!

Sunday was the visitation and Monday was her funeral. I had to snap some pics of the photos the family had put together. I always thought she had such a good sense of humor.
Love this family picture of Grandma and Grandma and their children. Dana's dad is to the right of Grandma on the couch.
We stayed at Dana's parents Sunday night and Christel was surprised with their great-grandpa's burial flag as he was a WWI veteran. So neat.
Auntie showing off her cute shower cap.
Can you tell these two are related? Haha. This little sweetheart is Dana's cousin's daughter who is the same age as Clara.
After the funeral we all went over to Grandma's house to begin going through her things and take home any special mementos. We are now the proud owners of this cello! So far no one really knew the story behind it, but it's pretty neat!
Dana was not having any of Christel trying to sit on his lap.
One of the other items we got was Dana's grandpa's pocket watch. Also, Dana made me take this book that the watch is sitting on. ;-) I do believe there is a section for husbands in there, but I don't think he's read that part yet.
School was canceled due to the cold yesterday and today. Poor Elaine, Dana's aunt, got stranded at
the airport yesterday trying to get back home to CO. We wish she would have called Dana sooner, but she did talk to him in the afternoon and he went and picked her up from the airport and she was able to have dinner with us. Kevin came to pick her up and word is she got on her way back home via Sioux Falls today.
Dana finished replacing the window trim, doors and door trim in our upper level and now has just a few more rooms to go upstairs with baseboards. He commissioned Brynn to fill nail holes. She did a great job!
So far we have survived this arctic blast or whatever you want to call it!
Our outdoor thermometer wouldn't read anymore yesterday once it got past -20.
It wasn't looking very promising today at 7:30 AM. Yuck. At least it was calm and sunny today!
We had already planned to keep Clara home in addition to Brynn today and then Hope ended up having to close at 11:00 AM. Apparently since so many places were closing, they weren't able to have their food service deliver and therefore had no meals to feed the kids. So we were glad to already have figured out a plan. I worked from home for the morning until Dana came home for the afternoon and then I ventured into the office. The girls kept busy pretty well for me through two conference calls. The second call I was on was with several of my co-workers, some of whom are down in South Dakota. I could hear a few cries of "mom!" in the background. hehe.
Even though it's still supposed to be -20 at 8:00 tomorrow morning, the school notified us they will start on time. We had it pretty easy as we don't have any livestock or outside animals to worry about, had cars that started in the cold and a furnace that kept on truckin'. Here's to warmer days ahead!