The weekend before Brynn's birthday, we got started on making the cakes for her Harry Potter-themed parties.
Brynn was also busy decorating cookies using the new cookie cutters she received for Christmas.
On her actual birthday, she chose to eat out at Space Aliens. I don't think we've seen the alien out and about before when we've been there previously.
Brynn had Friday off of school, so she spent much of the day preparing for the parties.
The first party was Friday night with a few of her friends.
We made magic wands as a fun project that the kids could take home.
We had also found a potion online to try. I wasn't able to find any spiders, though.

We celebrated with family on Saturday.
Thank you to everyone who remembered Brynn on her birthday and those who were able to join us to celebrate. Poof! There went another year already. She seems more mature all the time. Happy birthday, Brynnie. We love you!