I think we're all officially ready for spring now! We got dumped on again this week, but first here are some other goings-on, besides snow. :-) We had finished up with supper one night last week and Clara was trotting down the hall with her piece of bacon. I heard her fall down and she decided just to stay put and finish her bacon right there. Ha. She'll usually come either in the middle of the night or around 6:15 into our bedroom to see if she can cuddle with us. One morning she crawled in and then fell back asleep. It took me forever to wake her up for school! Mom and dad's bed is so cozy. Sisterly bedtime stories. We had heard that there was going to be a super moon this past Tuesday in which the moon would be really big and bright. I had left my regular camera at my office for a work project that I was working on, so these are just with my cell phone which stinks for night time pics, but we did a good glimpse of it. Brynn had Dana's old...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.