Happy Thanksgiving. It was pretty quiet around here since we made the difficult decision to not invite anyone to Thanksgiving this year. And, actually, I took a call from Brynn's school principal on Sunday morning that she was identified as a close contact at school with another student who tested positive for the coronavirus. That meant Brynn would be in quarantine until December 3rd. So, even if we would have planed to have our family for Thanksgiving, we would have had to cancel. The point of contact was on the 18th and so far Brynn hasn't had any symptoms, so hopefully that means she's in the clear. Dana and I still both took this entire week off as Dana was starting the (fun!) project of redoing our stairs. Yay! Meanwhile, I did some errands and appointments and got some cleaning and other things done around the house...though it's difficult to clean around construction. 😕 Clara helped I decided to get my real ID while I had the chance. That took me to the Village...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.