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Thanksgiving 2020

Happy Thanksgiving. It was pretty quiet around here since we made the difficult decision to not invite anyone to Thanksgiving this year. And, actually, I took a call from Brynn's school principal on Sunday morning that she was identified as a close contact at school with another student who tested positive for the coronavirus. That meant Brynn would be in quarantine until December 3rd. So, even if we would have planed to have our family for Thanksgiving, we would have had to cancel. The point of contact was on the 18th and so far Brynn hasn't had any symptoms, so hopefully that means she's in the clear.

Dana and I still both took this entire week off as Dana was starting the (fun!) project of redoing our stairs. Yay! Meanwhile, I did some errands and appointments and got some cleaning and other things done around the house...though it's difficult to clean around construction. 😕

Clara helped

I decided to get my real ID while I had the chance. That took me to the Village West strip mall where I discovered Sweet Dreams Confections. This place is amazing! They have all kinds of homemade goodies including this amazing-looking fudge, gelato, jellies/jams, sauces, soups and all kinds of fun bottled soda, candies and more. And then they make fresh sandwiches, smoothies, coffee and things like that. We tried the gelato which was really rich and yummy. Once Brynn is out of quarantine, we want to go back and have some lunch there.

 The girls decided they wanted Oreo cupcakes as part of our Thanksgiving day dessert, so we whipped up some chocolate cupcakes from scratch.

I attempted my first-ever homemade pumpkin pie. The crust turned out really it puffed up quite a bit and then the sides sunk down. So, I added some cut-out leaves to replace the missing crust.

We had planned to have brunch on Thursday morning and then our big meal for an early dinner later in the day. We got some Rhodes rolls again and this time instead of bunnies for Easter and hearts for Mother's Day, we made turkeys. 

They were so funny. I just kept giggling at them staring at me on the table. They were tasty though. The bacon 'feathers' weren't cooperating as well as we would have hoped.

The girls put together a nice fruit tray.

We FaceTimed with Grandpa and Grandma Froemming. Clara wanted to show them her new dress shoes she got.

Tim was ready for the oven. I named him Tim, as in Tiny Tim. At just under 10 lbs, he was the smallest bird I've ever bought for Thanksgiving. 

My pie appeared to have turned out okay coming out of the oven. 

I thought we'd have so much time in between meals and we had planned on watching movies and playing games, but since there was no one else to bring any food to contribute like usual, I really did end up cooking most of the rest of the afternoon! Ha. The kids did watch a movie with Dana and then went outside until dinner was ready.

Our neighbor lady who typically is the only house we stop at for Halloween brought over all kind of goodies for the girls since we were in Hurdsfield for Halloween this year. She brought candy bags that she had put together as well as cream cheese pumpkin bread and a cookie decorating kit.

The girls worked on decorating the cookies and frosted the cupcakes they had made too.

Wild turkey! 

She was checking the Tim's temp to make sure he was really done.

I was in the final moments frenzy of pulling everything together and FaceTiming my mom for a gravy tutorial. I wanted to get a screen shot of that, but I feel like things always get harried at the end when you're trying to finish up all the dishes at the same time. Thanks, Mom! The gravy turned out great.

I had been wanting to do this blessings pumpkin for a while now, but just hadn't gotten to it before, I guess. So, during dinner we passed it around and all wrote things we were thankful for. I did make one rule that you could not include family since that's a given already.

Mom and Dad did fun ones like 'financial security, no car payments and being able to work from home,' while the girls did kitties, sugar beets, Eddie (Brynn's hamster), friends and WiFi. 

Even though Thanksgiving wasn't like other years and what we had hoped, we still have much to be thankful for.

We were still able to chat with our friends and Brynn's friend, Rosha. We sure miss them and having them join us for Thanksgiving. 

I especially missed playing Pictionary with everyone, but Tessa made up for it and put together Thanksgiving trivia for us. Thanks, Tessa! It was super fun...especially since Dana and I won. Hehe.

Clara and I played hide-and-seek for a bit yesterday. I was cracking up...obviously. ;-)

Brynn and I did some online Black Friday shopping.

Dana has been busy the rest of this weekend finishing up the stairs while the girls and I are doing our usual weekend stuff like grocery shopping, enjoying the nice weather outside, etc. The girls are waiting for me to start scrapbooking with them, so I'm off to do that next.


theweckerlys said…
Wow that was so nice of your neighbor! I'm glad you guys had a good week off and a good Thanksgiving but makes me kind of sad to see the pictures of just you guys - wish we could have been there! Love you.

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