A couple of weekends ago we were able to celebrate Ben's 9th birthday. He and most of the rest of the Weckerly fam are obsessed with the musical 'Hamilton,' so that was the theme he chose. The cake was amazing! It was a super fun party with games... ....even for the big kids. (Tug-of-war pics from Tessa's blog.) Marsha loves! Photo cred: Tessa One day when it was so nice outside last week the girls fashioned up this pulley system with Clara's jump rope and bag. The latest thing I whipped up in my new blender was a smoothie bowl. I was making it for work actually ( Here's the recipe! ), but I did eat it and it was super tasty. The girls each made a batch of Rice Krispies treats for the weekend. Brynn and I headed to Weckerlys' again last weekend, this time to celebrate Grandma Darlene's birthday. We kicked off the celebration with old pictures from when Grandpa and Grandma were first married up through the mid-80s. It was so fun; I love looking at old ph...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.