A couple of weekends ago we were able to celebrate Ben's 9th birthday. He and most of the rest of the Weckerly fam are obsessed with the musical 'Hamilton,' so that was the theme he chose. The cake was amazing!
It was a super fun party with games...
Marsha loves!

The latest thing I whipped up in my new blender was a smoothie bowl. I was making it for work actually (Here's the recipe!), but I did eat it and it was super tasty.
The girls each made a batch of Rice Krispies treats for the weekend.
Auntie Shelly wearing the dress that Clara now has.
Elise played the happy birthday song on her clarinet.
It was so nice to celebrate together this year.
Brynn and I didn't get back home very early on Saturday night, but I had to teach Sunday school the next morning, so we weren't able to stay another night.
Meanwhile, Dana and Clara went up to Kohl's Resort where a bunch of Dana's college friends and their families were getting together for the weekend.
Brynn helped me teach Sunday school on Sunday morning, but before we headed over to church, we stopped in at Village Inn for breakfast. We were saddened to hear that it will actually be closing (not sure when) and will be converted to a bank. :-( Brynn's crepes were super yummy; so was my waffle.
The girls being silly in my heels.
Brynn being silly rocking out. :-)