Last weekend Cousin Ben came to stay and the girls had a fun time with him taking apart motors, playing and four-wheeling.
I worked from home one day last week to make a recipe for our blog and it was a beautiful day to be out on the deck.
Brynn has been calling around to different business to see if anyone is hiring 13-year-olds. Unfortunately it seems you need to be 14 before you can work. So, until January rolls around, she's been doing some odd jobs for Dana to earn some money.
It was a rainy evening one night this past week and it seemed like a good time to bake cookies and settle in with a book. Brynn had her nose in the books, so to speak, as well since she was working on homework. And I really do mean that figuratively as most of her school work is done on her personal learning device (computer).
Clara started fall soccer and is enjoying it again. They had their first game last Sunday and have at least one game every weekend now for the next few weeks. We had a game yesterday and Grandma Holly and Auntie Tessa came to watch and Grandpa Kim is coming to watch today's game. Thanks for the great support! Clara loves having her cheering section at her games.
We aren't able to take any pics of the kids in our Sunday school classes, but last Sunday was the first day. I am teaching Clara's class again. They typically try to keep the classes together each year, so we have some familiar faces which is nice. Brynn is on her own teaching a preschool class. I love that she volunteered for that role. She is loving it already, and commented how cute and funny the kids are. She said last week one girl wanted to pray for waffles and this week it was chips. :-) We definitely all are thankful for food, that's for sure.
The girls requested fondue so last night we did just that. I think they mostly like the dessert part of fonduing, though. :-)
Brynn made some art pieces for our friend, Maizie.
Snuggles with Daddy in our 'new' living room. We updated our furniture and have a few more pieces to pick out before it's completely done. I was outnumbered with adding a television to the living room, so here we are. You can see a bit better pic of the living room in the above picture(s).