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Showing posts from May, 2022


On Friday, Dad and Clara headed to Dead Lake. Clara ended up staying with Grandpa and Grandma to hang out when Dad came back home on Saturday. (Thanks for the pics, Holly!) Clara found a neighbor girl to pal around with: Our first deck date this year! It was a gorgeous evening; no bugs yet. Then invited Brynn to join us. 💗We always tease her that she's third-wheeling. The flash was a bit much for her. Haha. Brynn and I decided to drive out to my parents' lake on Sunday for a visit and fish fry. We brought the fish Clara and Grandpa Kevin caught that Dad brought back for me. And, boy, it was gooood!  We went out on a nice little pontoon ride after dinner. We spied this big beaver getting ready to get into the water. It was until I was editing the pic on my computer that I noticed there was a second one up above, underneath the fallen tree. Dad got another toy. :-) He wants so badly for the girls to love it as much as he does. Haha. He got Brynn on it finally last night....and B...

School's Out

Last Sunday after her soccer game, Clara invited over her twin brother classmate friends. They were so sweet and well-behaved. They were only here for a little over an hour, so they had to pack in as much fun as they could. This year's teacher inscription to Clara in her "Oh, The Places You Will Go" book. This week Clara's class got to tie dye shirts that they all wore for their outing to the park on Wednesday. The last day of school for the girls was this past Thursday. First day of first grade and last day comparison for Clara: Clara and I biked to school on the last day. First day of eighth grade and last day comparison for Brynn. Not sure how she manages to age so much in the span of one year...every year! Clara teacher was superb this year as well and she had a great year of first grade. She will really miss Ms. Monson.  Brynn collected a bunch of signatures for her yearbook. They did a clap-out for the 8th graders (a good-bye to middle school as they transition ...

365: 142-149

142/365 143/365 144/365 145/365 146/165 147/365 148/365 149/365

Lunch with Clara + Umbrellas

On Wednesday I was working from home (so I was already close by to Clara's school) and surprised Clara to take her to lunch. We quickly ran over to DQ and grabbed some dessert from Jen's Bakery, and set up camp in the school parking lot. It was a beautiful day and so much fun to surprise her. Brynn modeling her shorts she made in her FACS class in school. She might fix them up a bit more so they're not so pillowy. :-) Practicing her English class presentation. They were assigned a mental health disease and were to research and present it in class. (PS She got a 41/40 on it! She doesn't know how she earned the extra points. Haha.) Thursday is the last day of school! So close now... Always a fav for dinner: spaghetti. I have been wanting to do some rain/umbrella shots for my 365 challenge photo and Thursday was the perfect opportunity as it wasn't raining too hard and the girls were kind of hanging out in the garage/outside. Brynn said Clara should try to make it look...