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April: Part Two

 Last Friday night Brynn and I attended a crepe cooking class downtown. We had just pulled up to the kitchen when we learned the chef instructor was running about a half an hour behind, so Brynn found a coffee shop that was still open and we ran over there for a quick sandwich (which was very tasty).

We made a savory crepe with ricotta cheese and roasted veggies for the filling. And then once the crepes were assembled, we served them over some homemade marinara (the best marinara we'd ever tasted).

Then we made a dessert crepe with an orange sauce that we flambéed! Well, I should say I attempted and Brynn mastered!

She did so great! It was really fun. We both preferred the savory one over the sweet, but they were both really delicious.

Banana Brynn

I was grocery shopping on Saturday morning when Dana texted me the girls on this gaming contraption. Very exciting.

Clara is signed up for golf lessons this summer and we learned she needed her own set of clubs, so she and Dad found a little set for her at Play-It-Again-Sports that they cleaned up on Saturday morning for her.

Dana and I continued his birthday celebration on Saturday night and went out for BBQ and No Bull Smokehouse - always excellent.

Since Tessa and Chad got us turned on to shuffleboard over Easter, Dana wanted to see if there were any tables that we could play on in town. Turns out there were a couple. This first one we went to was inside of Rough Cut, the ax throwing place we had been to before. I won. :-)

Then I lost over at the Gastropub. This was an extra long table!

Post-donut Clara at church.

The students in Clara's class can earn DoJo points for good behavior, being helpful, etc. Clara cashed hers out again this week (the last time she chose to have lunch with her teacher in the classroom) and read a book ("If I Built a School") to her class. Her teacher was kind enough to take and share some pics with me.

I love how Clara has really developed a love for reading. Her teacher has given them a goal to read 400 minutes each month and we track her reading time on a sheet and then turn it in at the end of each month. We tallied her total for  April this weekend and she hit just over 600 minutes. Yay Clara!

Double-teaming Forza.

Brynn made a spreadsheet to count down the number of days until school is out. Not many to go!

(Don't ask me to try and explain the "letter days." It has something to do with which days she has gym class which alternates with study hall and such, but it goes through the first six letters of the alphabet, not five, so that confuses me.)

"I can't believe you let me blow bubbles in my milk, Mom!"

The Easter Bunny brought Clara some nice new Bogs so she was testing them out in the water this past week. 

Weekend eats: I got Clara converted on my yogurt dough. The recipe is just flour, Greek yogurt, salt, oil and baking powder. No need to wait for the dough to thaw or rise or anything (usually we use frozen bread dough for our homemade pizza and calzones). It's so simple and comes together so quickly...and I think it tastes great too. Clara was definitely a skeptic as she doesn't even like yogurt, but I assured her you don't actually taste the yogurt at all. We also made some garlic knots with it and it all turned out well, we thought. 

Dad was away at Kohl's for a guys' weekend with some of his friends, so it was just us girls around home. Brynn did Clara's nails on Friday night.

More weekend goodies...Clara made her chocolate chip muffin recipe on Saturday morning.

Brynn had requested the other butter braid that we had in the freezer so I popped that into the oven for her.

Barnes & Noble shopping:

Budgeting decisions!

Typically on weekend mornings, Clara can't help but blow through all her allotted screen time on her iPad before she even crawls out of bed, but last night she made a goal and a note that she wanted to put away her clothes and clean her room before she did any screen time.

Once she accomplished all that, she had also wanted to make some more yogurt dough for some cinnamon roll breakfast goodies. I made a small cinnamon roll bread loaf thing and she did these mini rolls and a twist bread. We added a little sugar glaze onto hers. She was pretty happy with how it all turned out.

Happy May Day! 
We put together a few bags (with the help of Jen's Bakery) and dropped them off this morning on our way home from church. One of the stops was Adria's house. The girls thought it was pretty fun! We still have one left for our neighbor who always brings treats over to us.


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