After living in this house now for several years, we were finally able to catch up with the ice cream truck. We could always hear it playing its ice cream tunes through the neighborhood to the south of us and one night we got a hot tip as three girls bolted through our cul-de-sac trying to catch up to it.
So, Clara and I took off on our bikes and were able to find it. Success!
We made it back-to-school shopping and were able to get most of what we needed. The girls have had such a great summer I think they're not quite ready for it to end, but I'm sure they'll both have a good school year once we get going. Brynn has Freshmen orientation this week and Clara will be able to meet her second grade teacher the following week. School starts August 25th!
Brynnie and I took a bike ride down to the river.
Our good friend, Roger, was in town for work so he stopped over for a visit. Clara was excited to show him her Star Wars collection she got from Uncle John.
Clara had her well-child check-up this past week and is doing great.