We were able to celebrate Oliver's 7th birthday with him a few weekends ago...Dana also joined in on the birthday love since their birthdays are only one day apart. Happy birthday, Oliver! I had never seen a kid so excited for his birthday. It was a great party! Clara had fun running around with Sadie dog. (Photo cred: Tessa) Clara recently got to be the secret student in her classroom. They also each received a caterpillar that they are keeping at school and taking care of as it transitions through the metamorphosis stages to a butterfly. Then we celebrated Dana's birthday for real. He and I were able to go out for lunch together. We all went out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Then Dana stocked up on muffins to bring for his birthday treat to the office. An unwelcomed Spring guest: more snow. :-( Prom at Brynn's high school was last Saturday and we were able to watch the grand march on YouTube. So, we had a fun time doing that and oohing and aahhing over all the beautifu...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.