Last Thursday night went to the OK Tire Car Show in the Walmart parking lot. We found Brynn's Jag. ;-)
Dana even had the '51 entered!'
Brynn was practicing driving and we pulled off onto a low maintenance road to watch the sunset and some fireworks.
Clara decided she still wasn't homesick yet when Grandpa was coming through Fargo to go to the lake last week, so she carried on with him to Lake Park. They didn't have very good luck fishing, unfortunately, but Clara still had a good time.
She was finally ready to come home on Saturday so I went out and visited with Dad a bit and brought Clara back home.
Sunday it seemed it was going to be a rainy day so we settled in with our books. Dana and Brynn had gone to Dead Lake.
But then the day turned around and we decided to go walk the trails in Lindenwood Park.
We were having a good time until we came out of the forest and thought we would be right near our car - like a loop around the river is what I had envisioned. Instead we popped right out into a residential neighborhood about a mile and a half from where we were supposed to be. :( It wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't just walked the trail for over an hour. I was doing ok, but it was getting pretty warm and Clara's legs were tired. Thanks to Google maps, though, we pressed on. Clara was a trooper and we made it back to our car just fine.
This photo of Brynn nine years ago was my Facebook memory photo from today.
Brynn did a life jacket challenge and ended up wearing 20 life jackets. Ha - it was quite entertaining.
The annual photo op. 💜 |
The team helping Oliver with his skis.
We had another super fun Fourth! Happy birthday, America.