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Showing posts from May, 2024

More May

A couple of weeks ago, Brynn finished up the tennis season already. Clara, Hubert and I were all able to attend her last game and it was a toasty one! We'll have the end of season banquet tomorrow night which Brynn and I are both looking forward to.  Clara had one of her classmate friends, Elizabeth, over to play after school one day. Clara has made at least three trips to Hobby Lobby in the past two weeks to stock up on yarn for her finger knitting craze. I showed up at school for my end-of-school-year lunch surprise date with Clara. We ran to DQ and came back to eat quickly in the parking lot. Brynn and I spectating one of Hubert's rugby games. I can't remember what Brynn thought was so funny. She was probably laughing at me about something. ha. Clara and Dana baked one of Clara's specialties, chocolate chip scones. They didn't last long around here. So tasty! Aldi had strawberries for just over a $1.00 a pack last week. Score! Amanda and I attended the Willie Nel...

May Happenings + More Birthday Celebration + Northern Lights + Mother's Day

 S'mores on the deck... We got Brynn's team tennis pics back. They turned out great! I had to get a couple of pins and magnets. I should have taken a pic of Hubert and me spectating at one of her games last week as Hubert was sporting his pin. :-) We three girls played last week during a nice evening. Clara's class is doing an alphabet countdown to the last day of school. J was joke day. And Clara loves to share jokes with her teacher. She made her own joke book to bring. Cindy took Dad and me out to lunch for our birthdays last Thursday. It was such a fun time and Dad and I each got a cookie skillet for being the birthday kids! So delish. We went to Granite City. Always good! Dana and I went to Sartell, MN on Thursday night and arrived late. We stopped over at the after party of the groom's dinner for our friends getting married on Friday. I snagged their kitty for a snuggle. Roger and I were the photographers for the wedding which was beautiful. We had such a good tim...