Brynn had very minimal school supplies that she needed, of course, so she took care of hers on her own and just Clara and I tackled the fourth grade list. How Brynn and Hubert were preparing for school starting. Haha. They made the yearbook! Clara was excited that she will have her first grade teacher again for fourth grade. Back-to-school night was on Monday. She got to see who else was going to be in her class and put away her supplies, etc. Today was the official first day! Brynn came home over her lunch break and things seemed to be going pretty well at that point, and then she only had one more class before she was done for the day. She has last period off again this year, so she was glad for that. She plans to continue working at her part-time job throughout the school year. Clara reported a great first day! Her teacher shared some photos. We did have time during and after dinner to chat about the day more and Brynn said her goal for this school year - aside from the obvious of d...
This is a blog of pictures and updates about our family, posted by Mama Tara.