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Cats + Cars + Kohl's Weekend

Clara had a sleepover with her friend Elizabeth last Friday. They put on quite an entertaining song and dance peformance.

Brynn's junior school picture. Clara will take hers on October 1st!

Last Saturday was Cat Video Fest at the Fargo Theater. And, of course, Clara and I had to take that in. The theater partnered with Homeward Animal Shelter to promote adopting cats and the shelter even had some of their cats that are up for adoption at the video fest. Yay! It was so fun.

Dana presenting me with a rose from our yard. :-)

Bed time routine...

Clara came out on her bike with me while I ran a couple of mornings last week. 

My dad is always looking out for me...and any car deals! He sent me the link for my dream car that was for sale at Dave's Classics here in town. Dad had bought a couple of cars from Dave before and regularly checks his website. Dana and I went to take a look at it and now it is mine! :-D Thanks to Dana for now parking his Grand Prix outside so we can fit this in our garage and for helping me take care of it. Dad has kindly agreed to store it during the winter for me. It's a '92 Camaro RS with t-tops and will only play classic rock and 80's hair band tunes.  I'm having so much fun with it so far.

Thursday was the last night of the year for the West Fargo Cruise Night, so Brynn and I went in the Camaro and Dana took his truck. It was crazy busy there as usual so we had a difficult time finding places to park. Brynn and I saw Dana driving down Sheyenne as we were walking along. 

We also spied a Bonneville upgrade for Brynn...which would be more in keeping with our black coded fleet that we have at home.

Dana shared his shirt with Brynn and me since were chilly in the restaurant we stopped to eat at, so Brynn and I shared the shirt with each other.

Brynn attended a college fair at NDSU and came away with lots of options! 

Dana packed up the ATVs and we headed north to Kohl's Resort for the weekend.

It was a beautiful night for a fire on Friday night.

Clara and I got up and went to Itasca for the morning on Saturday. She had wanted to come back again after Grandma Holly took her last month.

She knew right where to go!

We just went to the headwaters of the Mississippi and then came back to the cabin for some lunch and then ATVing for the afternoon.

Clara was able to swim for a while before we met uncle John and auntie Christel for dinner.

It seemed like a pretty quick trip as we had to pack up on Sunday morning and head back home.

Clara got this walleye in the lodge gift shop and I made her hold it like she actually caught it. She named it Bullseye.

We stayed in our fav cabin which is huge with a loft and right on the lake.

I had my own room and a great view! :-)

The girls got the sweetest package from Rosha, Brynn's best friend who moved away when Clara was a baby. Rosha was selling some art kits (I think maybe for a school or community project or something like that), earlier this year and I ordered a couple for the girls. However, as Rosha illustrates in her letter, they had some delays in getting them out. So, we were so delighted that not only the kits arrived, but Rosha included all these other sweet touches for Brynn including a drawing she made of Brynn, earrings, flower petals, bottle caps, etc. 

I'll have to ask Brynn as I don't know if this is the reason Rosha included those little flowers, but they reminded me of this pic of the girls when they used to meet up at the park behind our old house. We miss Rosha and her family so much.

This was the art kit which I think was a diorama of sorts.


theweckerlys said…
Cat Video Fest looked like fun! Can't beat kitty snuggles! Dana is giving Disney prince vibes with his rose pose. I won't tell my kids you have Pop Tarts at your house or they'll ditch me to go to auntie's! So dang excited for you and your new wheels! I was laughing at "will only play classic rock and 80's hair band tunes." Aw Rosha, what a sweet package! And a great throwback pic.

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