...is video! We finally got around to digging out our video camera to get Brynn footage. How sad it has taken us almost 10 months! (Sorry it's such low res. We had to set it at a lower quality so that it would load onto the blog.) Brynn came to Mama's work and Trick-or-Treated there with the other kids. After we got home we went out up and down our block. She seemed to have a good time. She was so cute! Our friend Karlie came to Trick-or-Treat and then we just stayed home and handed out candy. Below are a couple excerpts of conversations I had with Trick-or-Treaters.
Me: Are you a boy or a girl? (In my defense this child's costume wasn't much of anything and she had a skirt and other girly things on. However, she had extremely short hair, and was young enough that it was difficult to tell the difference. I also recognize that normally that is a pretty rude thing to ask someone, but I like to try and figure out what the kids' costumes are...anyway...)
Boyish Girl: What?! I'm a girl....I'm not even dressed like a boy.
To myself as child scampers off: Oops.
A stocky, older boy approaching the steps dressed with the "Scream" movie mask: Do you know who I am?
Me: In real life or your costume?
Boy: I'm not the real killer!
Me: Oh! Well, that's good! I had kind of wondered.
Boy: Do you know who I am?
Me: Yup! You're that guy from the movie "Scream."
Boy: YES!
Me: (Shutting the door to go back inside.)
Boy as he's leaving: This is the only thing that I could find in my size!
Cute-as-a-button younger girl: Do you know Kevin Biffert? (Dana's boss.)
Me: Yes, I do.
Girl: He's my uncle!