The photos are a little out of order, but here we go...
Brynn and her neighbor friend, Megan. Megan came over to play for awhile on Saturday morning. They were watching Backyardigans...very intently. |
Having a quick spot of tea before heading out the door somewhere. |
Also, update on Brynn since turning four: Dana took her to her 4-year check-up which went really well. She weighs just shy of 30 lbs, though. :-( I was really surprised. Her doctor is not concerned though, as he says she continues to "track" or move up in her percentile compared to other children her age.
We needed not to have attended her birthday to know that Brynn is four around here. That is all we've heard since the big day. "I'm four, I'm bigger...I don't have to do this or that. I'm bigger; I'm the boss." Oh boy.
Aside from the "attitude," she has seemed to grow up so much even in the past few months, especially in her looks. She is still very much into babies and has two now: Hazel (the original she's always had) and her new one, Dina. She is very imaginative and will make a toy out of anything. For example, last night she was pretending to be at the beach (common scenario for her) and she lays out a blue blanket (for the water) and puts on her "goggles" for swimming aka the plastic ring from a 6-pack of cans. Ha. She is always keeping us amused with her comments and antics.