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Disney World

We had a fantastic trip to Disney World! We met my parents and my sister and her family down there. We figured out it has been 20 years this year since my family has been there back when we went when I was a kid.

Prepare for picture overload. I'm pretty sure this will be the blog update with the most photos I've ever posted. So, here we go...

Brynn started out afraid to ride on the plane. She was crying in the Fargo airport because she was afraid of the plane going too fast, and then she was worried once we got on the plane about it pinning her back in her seat during take off. Once we started to ascend, she got very excited and loved the "blast off" as she now calls it. She even earned her wings for her first plane ride.

I'm sure she scared the bejeebers out of the people in front of us on the plane when she said, "we're going up to Heaven!" LOL. The other passengers probably thought the plane was going down.

Her wings pinned to her backpack.

Fun on the plane.

We stayed at the new Art of Animation resort at Disney World, and Brynn was very excited about our room because it was Little Mermaid themed.

Good morning, princess.

Our first stop of the trip was to the Magic Kingdom park. It was on Saturday and it was packed with people. Brynn met some of the princesses for the first time. This was her wish come true! She loved meeting them in person. I cried on my way out, because I'm such a baby, but also because I was so excited for her.

Brynn and Rapunzel
Brynn and her favorite (and twin for the day), Cinderella

Brynn and cousin Reagan

Brynn's first purchases for the trip. 
Brynn loved the tea cups ride!

Brynn on the tea cups

Meeting Ariel in her grotto.

We took in the afternoon parade in the Magic Kingdom. 

Every couple of hours they have a character show at Cinderella's castle. 

We were just about out of the park for the night when Dana asked Brynn if she was sure there wasn't anything else she had wanted to do there before we left for the day to head back to our motel. Yup, there was. She wanted to wait in line again to go meet the princesses another time. So, we did that....and the electric lights parade, the illumination show on Cinderella's castle and the fireworks. Whew! We started out the trip with a bang and saw a lot the first day!

Meeting Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) for the second time that day.

Electric Lights Parade 


On Sunday we were on to Epcot. Tessa had made reservations for us to dine with the princesses for brunch at the Akersush Royal Banquet Hall in Norway. It was so great to spend such personal time with the princesses. Each one stopped by our table while we were eating for autographs, hugs and pictures. Then they invited all the kids for a princess processional.  

Reagan, Brynn and Elise found a place to get their faces painted.

Meeting more characters!

For supper we ate in Germany at the Biergarten Restaurant. It was a lot of fun and made me think of my Grandpa. Brynn loved the schnitzel!


On Monday we headed to Hollywood Studios where Brynn met the characters from Toy Story, Woody and Buzz Lightyear, and even ate lunch at the restaurant from the movie.  We also saw a Beauty and the Beast stage show and Under the Sea Little Mermaid adventure show. That afternoon we spent some time in the pool at our resort.

Telling Buzz: "to infinity...and beyond!"

We found a shop with just villain merchandise. Brynn is trying on a Maleficent hat.  

The spinning wheel! (From Sleeping Beauty)

Our last day at Disney was spent back at Magic Kingdom. Tessa  had arranged for the girls to have princess makeovers at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique. Since our appointment time was set for right after the park opened, we were able to get in early in order to make it to the boutique on time. It was just awesome to be in the park before it got so crowded. We had the chance to walk leisurely up "Main Street" toward the castle and get some pictures along the way.

The girls  had fun getting the hair, make-up and nails done. I thought Brynn ended up looking like a cross between a contestant on Toddlers & Tiaras and a gypsy, but she liked it. :-)

"All my wishes have come true!"

Since it was Valentine's week, the princes were appearing with the princesses and handing out valentines to the kids. So we waited in line a third time to meet them again. :-) (This time we at least did the Fast Pass system, so we really hardly waited at all.)

Just went on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. 

With Grandma Laurie

Last night we also came across a character dance party! It was so funny to watch the characters get their groove on. Here Brynn dances with Pluto.

Of course Brynn was already asking when we were going to come back before we had even left Florida. It was a fantastic vacation with great weather. It was tough to come back to 10 inches of snow today, but our neighbor and friends had plowed out our sidewalks and driveway, and Dana's parents were waiting for us at the airport having shoveled out our car with homemade chicken noodle soup for us at our house. 


theweckerlys said…
You got some great pics! So glad we were all able to go together!
Karena Goehner said…
Ahhhhh....I want to go now! Love all your pictures! Bennett and I enjoyed looking at all of them!
carrington said…
Awesome photos of the 'great Princess vacation'!!! Glad we could all share it together. :)

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