I cajoled Dana into taking more pics. Since this baby will be born during the nice-weather summer months, I wanted to try and take the opportunity to take some maternity photos. So, I talked Dana into being the photographer. Tonight turned out to be a beautiful night, minus the skeeter issues. I took a few of just Brynn, too.
BUMPdate while we're at it: I will be 36 weeks tomorrow. I am going weekly now for check-ups with my OB. I have my last progesterone shot next week. My most recent appointment was yesterday. Everything is still looking good. Her estimation is that the baby weighs about 5 1/2 lbs now. She asked me how long I thought I would go to which I guessed that this one would probably be overdue! Ha. She said her guess is that I'll go to 38 weeks. That would be just perfect for me - I feel more immobile by the day. Also, my Braxton Hicks contractions are not increasing in frequency, but they are in intensity. Not sure how educated her guess was, as in I don't know what she is necessarily basing that on, but we shall see, I guess. Oh, and yesterday was how far along I was when Brynn was born. :-)
Dana took these next two at Dead Lake a couple of weeks ago.