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Showing posts from September, 2014

Rheault Farm Fall Festival

It's time for Rheault Farm Fall Festival again!  What a beautiful day it was to go, too. We actually got hot there. I think half of Fargo had the same idea as we did; that was the busiest I had ever seen it there. We took in all the usual things like decorating a cookie and a pumpkin, petting the animals, doing the carnival games, etc. We missed out on the barrel train (the line was ridiculously long) and the face painting.  oooh, this bunny was so soft!  Thought I'd better include a Clara pic in this post. :-) She loves to talk to the fishies above her in the swing.


I took the below picture waiting for the bus yesterday morning which was also school picture day! She was very excited for pictures and carefully selected an orange background (much to my surprise). She informed me that she was going to choose a different colored background each year. This should be interesting. She was chatting away mid-sentence when I took the pic and then immediately stopped and gave me a look like 'I didn't even have a chance to pose!' Speaking of chatting, here's what else she's been talking about as of late, since she told me the other night, "I like chat, chat, chatting!" Yes, you do, Brynn. During supper she mentioned something about how lying or being dishonest is following Satan. Somewhere in the conversation she got a stricken look on her face and asked, "does Satan live in North Dakota!?" She asked me to play 20 questions after school the other day. The first of twenty started out as follows..."I am on the...

The Artist and The Talker

I am continually amused and amazed by Brynn's creativity and artistic abilities. She ordered the below book through the school book order and decided to decorate the inside cover. She loves copying cursive writing that she sees (on the right-hand side of the book below). I love the flowers. This one really cracked me up. I love the cucumber the most, I think. Finally here are some more pics of Clara who is growing like a weed! She has her two-month check-up on Monday, so I will be back then to post that update. She is smiling more and more all the time and 'talking' to us now, too. Naked tummy time to air out the bottom side a little bit. Doesn't last long before she rolls over which is what she's fixing to do here. Talking to big sister.

Weekend Update

Brynn had her first homework assignment this past week. She was supposed to find examples of numbers and paste them onto the back of her worksheet for math class. She got to work looking through my "Taste of Home" magazine for recipes and the newspaper.  They are working on sight words again this year and got a fun frog project that they could tape to an old box to 'feed the frog' their sight words that they've brought home from school.  I like his snazzy hot pink blazer! Earlier this week, this little turkey started rolling over from her front to back during tummy time! I got it on video on Friday:  Clara rolling over This past weekend we we went to Carrington to belatedly celebrate my mom's birthday. Grandpa had organized a hay ride for the grandkids that was super fun. And the great-grandmas got to meet Clara for the first time. Grandma Darlene and Clara Grandma Dorothy and Clara. It was Grandma D's mom ...

Friends & Fall

It certainly feels like fall has arrived this week. I am glad to be spending the day inside with Clara. It's a chilly and windy day here in Fargo. Future BFFs! My best friend Amanda's baby, Adria and Clara. (Adria was born on July 9 and Clara on August 2) Looking out the window in our office. She loves to stare outside. She will likely be spending quite a bit of time with me here in the office over the next month, as I will begin working from home starting on Monday. Oops, a little cross-eyed. he he. And here is where Clara spends the rest of her time. Snoozing away in her crib. She has moved out of sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom down to her crib now. She is doing very well in there and has slept 6-7 hours in the past two nights. Now, if I will just get to bed on time myself, I will get almost that much sleep, too! 


Last night was a beautiful night to be out at the park. Brynn with her crazy static hair from going down the slide. Clara doing tummy time...buns up. Big sister helping. Talking to each other. I love the way Brynn looks at her. My BFF came over with Clara's BFF to visit on Saturday. It was so good to spend time with her and see her sweet baby. We plan to get together next week again, so hopefully we'll get some pics of the babies together.  Here is Clara in her Sunday best. Today was the first time she has gone to church. Dana did sound tech for the Sunday School skit and Brynn was in Sunday School class, of course, so it was just Clara and me in the service today. She just snuggled and slept the whole time. It was communion today and I was excited to take her up with me so she could receive a blessing from the pastor while I received my communion. He did touch her head and bless her and offered his congratulations. We then made our...