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Christmas 2015

This year we celebrated Christmas with my side, but first we had our own little family Christmas at home on Wednesday night. This was the first time we had done it and also the first year our own church in Fargo was having a Christmas eve eve service. So, we ate dinner at home, went to our church service and then opened up our gifts amongst the four of us. It was nice to see the kids open up what we got them since they also get a lot of gifts from our other family members when we're all together on Christmas eve and day.

I hacked this photo off of Facebook, but this was the service at our church.

Brynn was excited to get a new roller suitcase.

New nightgown.

Daycare told us Clara loves the Little Blue Truck book there and so I found the Christmas version to give to her. It has a Christmas tree that lights up at the end.

Clara got a pack-n-play for her babies.

They got a play cookie set together.

Clara also got a car seat for her babies, but has a love/hate relationship with it right now. She wants to use and tries, but it is kind of big for her to carry around and her baby gets stuck in it.

Ugh! The current state of our tree. Top third lit only. Grr. It's going down tomorrow!

On Thursday we headed West since my sister was hosting Christmas eve at her house. First we made a stop at Mom and Dad's and Dana helped them install their new dishwasher. Meanwhile, Brynn was working on a sewing project with Grandma. Brynn thought Grandma's machine was pretty fancy!

Froemming Four at my sister's house Christmas eve.

Reagan, Brynn and my aunt Cindy graciously played some Christmas tunes for us after dinner. It was so fun!

Gift opening time!

The kids carefully selecting cookies for Santa...and Dana photobombing.

Christmas morning the kids opening up their stockings from Santa...

Brynn had a special note from Santa saying he left a surprise at her house in Fargo.

Here was a clue to what the surprise was: a matching nightgown to the one Brynn got from us for an American Girl doll.

Christmas Day we were back at my parents' for more Christmas celebration..

Clara sure buddied up to Grandpa this week.

Being silly with Uncle Chad

Ben checking out Clara's new shades.

Brynn got a hand-sewing kit from Grandpa and Grandma, along with some OneDirection fabric.

A sweet reminder from Brynn. :-)

Trying out Brynn's new Lego Friends set.

Chad and Tessa!

Practicing sewing on buttons.

We also celebrated my Grandma's birthday. Don't mind my horrid singing on the video.

A nice picture of Tessa and me.

"Meowy Christmas!"

"Boxy Brynn"

At about 10:30 pm on Christmas Day, Dad and I decided on a rousing game of ping pong. I'm proud to say I won, but Dad's arm was bothering him, so I suppose I had that to my advantage.

We came back home to Fargo Saturday morning where Brynn found the gift Santa had left for her.

An Our Generation doll! Brynn decided it must be the look-alike type that Santa had told her about.

They actually do look very alike!

Ready for bed in matching PJs.

Today we celebrated Christmas with Dana's mom's side at his parents' house. Brynn and Clara had fun playing with the cousins.

Clara and Reese are about a week apart. They don't see each other very often, but when they do, it's pretty funny to watch them together.

Typical Clara with her tongue out.

I can't get enough of these next two pictures. So cute. Baby toes!


theweckerlys said…
Really cute photos of Clara and her cousin, and great one of Brynn in her matching jammies with her doll. Thanks for spending your Christmas with us!
carrington said…
Another great post of our wonderful Christmas! Such cute pics of Reese & Clara!
Thanks for everything - so happy to have you for the holiday!

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