After we got home (early) from our Dead Lake vacation, Brynn planned movie night on Friday night and Family Game Night on Saturday night.
Unfortunately, on Saturday I had also learned that my uncle (my mom's brother) had unexpectedly passed away. I went home to be with my mom and grandma and everyone for the day on Sunday and then we had Dana's parents take Clara while the three of us went back on Monday and Tuesday for the prayer service and funeral. It was nice to see our cousins; we just wish it could have been for longer and under better circumstances. My uncle Randy will be greatly missed.
I was able to finally get some pics of Brynn at gymnastics, though this was a little while back now. It's harder to get pics here than it used to be as they've really redesigned the whole set-up. Parents much watch their kids from behind glass now...which you can probably see a bit of a reflection in the below pic. Brynn is still loving both gymnastics and swimming lessons. (She is the first one in line here.)
Speaking of swimming lessons. Clara is a squirrely girly and put herself inside this locker while we were waiting for Brynn to get dressed after her swimming lesson last week.
Clara decided to make herself a 'happy stamp,' which we discerned she receives from her teachers at Hope if she does something good. She had done her "no. 2" business on the potty and not in her pants, like usual, so that to her warranted a happy stamp. I couldn't argue with that.