We've not really been sure to whom or where these holiday cookies that we've been baking were going, but we've been doing a good job of eating them all up ourselves. Usually I make up a tray to take to my office, but all things considered this year with COVID, I didn't think people would be too interested.
Brynn decided to go the Harry Potter route with hers.
Holly dropped off some old pics for Dana this past week, so I was perusing through them. I thought this one was so cute.
Our morning group decided that we'd wear our tree skirts for our dance exercise class last Wednesday.
Brynn said they could bring treats to share on Monday for a potluck they are having during their advisory (like home room or study hall) period.
Clara received a call from Santa Claus on Saturday morning. (You might need to turn up the volume a bit to really hear her.) I don't think she was totally prepared because she couldn't remember anything that was on her list. ;-) Thank you, Santa! She loved the call.
Brynn found this market stand thing that I had gotten them for Christmas a year or two ago and somehow had forgotten to actually give it to them. Oops! So, she asked if they could play with it today. They set it all up and then Brynn put Eddie in charge as manager for a while..otherwise, Brynn was the boss. ;-)It's always such an exciting and amazing thing in life to watch your child learn, and especially so when they are learning to read. Clara has really been doing well and is so excited that she can read more on her own now. She still needs quite a bit of help, of course, but sometimes I'm surprised at the words she does know. Brynn gave her some early reader books that she still had in her collection and Clara is loving this series about an owl right now.
I love to read so of course I am tickled when I see her love of reading as well. It's so great for me to see her snuggle onto the couch with her blanket and book.
This morning she thought she'd get some reading done while I was making her pancakes before Sunday School.