Here are some updates as April comes to an end..
Clara and Cora at soccer practice last week.
For work we did an Earth Day garbage pick-up challenge, so we went along University (in the ditch) to see what we could find.
Grandpa Kim, Grandpa and Grandma Froemming and Brynn came to watch Clara's Saturday soccer game. We were all freezing, but the kids didn't seem to be bothered; probably because they were running around so much.
After the game we went to Granite City for another birthday dinner for Dana. Brynn was encroaching on Dad's dessert. :-)
On Sunday we celebrated Oliver's 5th birthday with an amazing Hot Wheels cake. So fun. Happy birthday, Oliver!

On Tuesday we had a concrete apron poured in front of our back garage, so we had to put the girls' names and handprints in, of course!