On Wednesday the girls said good-bye to their nanny, Taylor. They had a fun day of going out to eat at Noodles & Co. before heading to the indoor 'waterpark' in Casselton.

The girls got along with her really well and she was really sweet and a lot of fun. She's heading to U of M in Duluth for college this week.
I can't remember if I posted anything about Clara's new bike on here, but Dana found her one that was a better fit for her and she has really taken off with it...literally. It's so nice that she not only can keep up with all of us biking now, but usually speeds off ahead. So, the other night she biked and I trailed behind walking to the park down on our street.
On Wednesday Clara got to take her supplies to school and meet her first grade teacher. They will be starting out the school year wearing masks, but hopefully if things start improving again, it won't be long-term.
She was a bit nervous for school starting, but once she met her teacher and saw her classroom, she is really excited now. We did recognize one classmate whom she knew from a different class last year and from soccer. We didn't happen to see anyone else from her Kindergarten class.
School starts on Wednesday and Brynn says she's not looking forward to going back. Hopefully she'll have a great year once things get underway though. Both girls will ride the same bus, at the same time, in the morning, so I think they'll like that. Brynn was excited to learn that they'll be offering art club again this year, so hopefully it will work out for her to join that again.
Dana took the girls shopping to make sure they had everything else they needed to start school as Clara mentioned her shoes were starting to get too small. Much to their delight, they both ended up coming home with a new pair of Crocs. Then they pooled some money together to get these accessories for them. I think they're called jibbitz or something like that.
Brynn and Clara headed off to Duck Lake with my parents Friday morning, so Dana and I took the opportunity for a date night downtown. We wanted to try somewhere we hadn't been before which landed us at 46 North & Pints. It was super delish and just a fun place.
S'mores cake for dessert. Mmmm.
We were seated next to a window in the restaurant and saw this bicycle rickshaw whiz past us. I had been on one down in New Orleans when I was there for work a few years ago and it was so fun. So, I asked Dana if we could walk around and hopefully we would come across it again and try to hail a ride. We did see it again, with some passengers, and he was still in transit so we weren't able to flag him down really. But, we did catch the phone number on his trailer and called it. Just a few minutes later we got a call back and he asked where we were and that he would come pick us up!
We hopped aboard and went around downtown for probably about a 10 to 15-minute ride. The gentleman said he works full time for Moore Engineering and just does this for fun on the weekends. He doesn't charge anything except just asks for tips. It was super fun!
My cousin Tammy and her granddaughter Brianna also ended up coming to the lake this weekend which Brynn was elated to learn as she and Brianna get along so well. I asked her to send me some pics of them.
And my mom sent me this one of their trip to Zorbaz. :-)